

TEL. 082-942-5539

〒731-5128 広島市佐伯区五日市中央1丁目10−12


The Regulation of Setonaikai Trade Promotion Specialist Association

Chapter 1. General Regulations

(Name and whereabouts)
Article 1. The name of this Association is Setonaikai Trade Promotion Specialist Association, and its headquarters is in Hiroshima.
(Concerning secretariats, The secretariat of East Japan is in Tokyo, and The secretariat of West Japan is in Hiroshima Prefecture.)
Article 2. This Association is designed to participate actively in trading businesses like import and export toward foreign countries and international exchange planning, and to provide information, research and develop international business making use of abundant experiences, knowledge, skill know-how members have from the guiding standpoints of cultural business.

Article3. This Association carries out the following businesses to achieve the purpose mentioned in the former Article.
1) To keep minutely in touch with local administrations, 3rd sectors, public enterprise groups, and to give guidance and advice on trade promotion, international exchange, international cultural exchange, and international skill exchange.
(Lecture is included)
2) To hold training on import and export, and mutual announcements of members concerned with them.
3) Advising business on import and export trading business.
4) Lecture and skill guidance in accordance with requests of organizations, groups, and enterprises.
5) Mutual understanding of members, collection and offer of information and data for profound study.
6) And other business needed to achieve the purpose mentioned in the former article.

Chapter 2. Members
Article 4. This Association accepts persons cited below as members.
1) Individual member
2) Corporation member
An individual member is to be an individual who agrees the purpose mentioned in the article 2 and has gone through prescribed procedure.
A corporation member is to be a corporation that agrees the purpose mentioned in the article 2 and has gone through prescribed procedure.

(Admission fee and loss of qualification)
Article 5. Only an individual or a corporation with abundant international experience and practical trade business affairs can join this association.
Members lose their qualifications for the following reasons.
1) When they submit note of withdrawal and the board of directors approves it.
2) When an individual member dies. In case of corporation, when disbanded, instead.
3) When the board of directors regards them as unsuitable.

(Membership fee)
Article 6. Membership fee of this Association is as follows.
In case of individual member, they pay 5,000 yens every year. In case of corporation member, they pay 10,000 yens every year as one share, but the number of share is not determined.

Chapter 3. Officers
Article 7. This association includes the following officers in this Association.
Chairperson of the board of directors 1
Vice Chairperson of the board of directors 2
Director of clerk a few
Director a few
Inspector 2
Apart from officers mentioned in the former clause, adviser and observer are to be added under approval of the board of directors.

(Election of officers)
Article 8.
1) The Chairperson of the board of directors and Vice Chairperson of the board of directors are elected among Directors in board of directors.
2) Director and Inspector are elected in general meeting.

(Duty of Officers)
Article 9.
1) The Chairperson of the board of directors represents this Association and unifies association duties.
2) Vice Chairperson assists the Chairperson and executes his duties when he is absent.
3) Directors assist Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, and compose board of directors and operate important association duties.
4) Inspectors audit accounts.
(Term of office)
Article 10
1) Term of office is 2 years. But reappointment is not prevented.
2) Term of office of officers who take over office to fill vacancy is rest of term of their predecessors.

Chapter 4. Meeting
(General meeting)
Article 11.
1) General meetings are composed of members, hold once a year, and called by the Chairperson of the board of directors. But they can be called whenever the board of directors finds it necessary.
2) An attendance of the majority of members (including power of attorney or deputy) is necessary to open general meetings.
3) Topics discussed in general meetings are as follows.
1. Business plans and account settlement.
2. Business report and account settlement.
3. Election of officers and dismissal
4. Revision of Regulation of Association.
5. And other topics the board of directors regards necessary.
4) Resolutions are made with the majority of those presents.

(Board of directors)
Article 12.
1) Board of directors is composed of directors and called by Chairperson of the board of directors depending on necessity.
2) An attendance of the majority of directors (including power of attorney or deputy) is necessary to open board of directors.
3) Topics discussed in board of directors are as follows.
1. What are discussed in general meetings.
2. And others prescribed by regulation of association.
4) Resolutions of the board of directors are made with the majority of those presents.

瀬戸内海貿易振興専門家協会 会則
第1章 総 則
第1条 本会は、瀬戸内海貿易振興専門家協会、英文では Setonaikai Trade Promotion Specialist Associationと称し、本部を広島県に置く。

第2条 本会は、海外との輸出入、貿易業務及び開発計画、国際交流計画に積極的な参加を行い、会員の豊富な経験と学識及び技術・ノウハウを活かして貿易産業、文化事業を指導的見地に立って国際ビジネスの情報提供及び、研究開発を行うものとする。

第3条 本会は、前条の目的を達成する為に、次の事業を行う。

第2章 会員
第4条 1)本会は、第2条の目的に賛同し、所定の手続きを経た者をもって構成する。

第5条 本会に入会するには、豊富な国際経験、貿易実務能力のある個人に限定する。
1) 退会届を提出し、理事会で承認した場合。
2) 個人が死亡した時。
3) 理事会で不適当と認められた時。




10−12 貴ガーデンハイツ2F

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